My mission was to save money. Now, I want to help others do the same. I know that God gave me the knack to do this, and I want to help in both education and giving.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Recent shopping trip

So, I checked my favorite saving sites. All of them declared a super sale on a few products that were way out of my budget before coupons and gift card sale, but once you took those into consideration, it was a fab sale. I went to the store, bought a few things including said items, only to discover my items did not earn me the gift card, legitimately. If only I had paid attention to the signs!!! Also, one of my coupons worked in reverse. It was supposed to save me $1 off of $1.54. Instead, it took 54¢ off. :(

Now, the store I went to is one of my favorites. It doesn't deter me from going there, and I went to the cashier before too. He's always so cheerful, and I don't believe he did anything to mess me over. The lesson that I take from this is one that is probably common sense. I just get so giddy about saving money that sometimes it goes out the door. Lessons: 1. WATCH the register to make sure the correct amount is being taken off with your coupons. Forget the bags. You can get them afterwards! Watch that register! 2. Price check! If only I had paid attention to the signs. Oh well. Live and learn! I will be stricter on myself from now on.

Also, I hope that if you guys have a not-so-great experience couponing, please don't give up. Not all interactions are bad, in fact, most are great. I also don't want you all to write off one store in particular after one bad time. One more final thought, Customer Service is there to serve you, so don't leave without checking your receipt, especially if it was more than you were planning on spending. Sometimes it truly is your own calculation errors, but sometimes they did not ring correctly.

....stepping off of soapbox now.... :)

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