My mission was to save money. Now, I want to help others do the same. I know that God gave me the knack to do this, and I want to help in both education and giving.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Seasonal tips for frugral shopping

I think most people will tell you that the best time to shop and score awesome deals is off season. After the season is over with, you can find really good deals. For example, now that it's summer, I went to Old Navy and was able to get a turtleneck for $1!

The other really good time is before the season has even started. Often times, manufacturers and stores will offer coupons that don't expire until the season starts. I used to think, awesome, I'll save it until it has, indeed, started. Wrong-o! Case in point: It's July. School let out a month ago. Most people are not ready to even think about school supplies, yet here we are. Stores like Target and Staples have some super deals right now. You can get pens for FREE with coupons at Target, and you can get pencil boxes for 50¢ at Staples.

Here's my mission: My church does a backpack drive every year. Between monetary donations and actual backpacks filled with school supplies, these will go to children that need them. Our pastor told us on Sunday that the budget they have set aside will only allow $50 a backpack. I think some people were astonished at how low that price is. Me, on the other hand, I know I can spend a lot less. It'll just mean stockpiling early. :)  I'll let you know how it goes, and what the final total is. I think the item that might be the most expensive will be the backpack itself.

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